Best in Business

appointed by


The Objective

We were appointed by Vodafone Business to redesign the previous Best of the Best winner programme. Starting with a new name & a new logo we then looked at various ways the programme could be delivered during the COVID pandemic and then out into the new world.

As the highest recognition programme within Vodafone Business allowing face to face time with the Business Leadership Team in a relaxed environment outside of the usual working routine, the programme needed to be something pretty special!

The End Result

London took us to the iconic Mandarin Oriental with a welcome dinner at Dinner by Heston and then personalised itineraries were selected from a choice of a Cookery School, Theatre Tickets, SPA treatments or a private viewing of the Crown Jewels. The Saturday night Gala dinner complete with horse & carriage rides through Hyde Park & trumpeters was a very Regal Affair!

The Balmoral Edinburgh kicked off the next event & the welcome dinner was at Dean Banks complete with an appearance from Dean himself. Winners chose from a Cookery Class, Spa treatments, walking tours, chocolate making & whiskey tasting. The weekend concluded with an Exclusive dinner on board the Royal Yacht Britannia complete with pipers & addressing the Haggis.


The Feedback

”Wow! You are absolutely amazing!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for making our Kick Off such a success. Now time to relax and unwind."



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